It's now 2008, and I think it feels like 1988 is coming back.The 80's is coming back strongly,and I think we have a lot of influence from the 80's.Some kids be acting like this stuff is new. My parents graduated in the 80's,and they be like "They bringing back the same stuff they had when we was in high school".It be funny to think that my own parents wore this stuff.And my sister,she was born in the eighties, and she love that era.She dresses like she's in the eighties everyday,and my mom jokes with her saying comments like "You look like Prince with that outfit on".Lol it be funny,but I love my sister's style.She is very, I mean VERY eccentric with style lol but she loves the eighties very much.

I mean the slang, style,the horrible big hair,everything is coming back. For example, "fresh" of "dope".Will Smith and Run DMC was using that back in the 80's.
And now you see many young people use this slang. The Cool Kids for example use 80's style in their fashion. They look like some people you see in the 80's.Fashion icons, like Kanye West, is bringing back 80's trends.I mean look at him, he got the same glasses that Sho Nuff had in The Last Dragon!

Tell me y'all,what you think about the 80's coming back in style?
I think its kool its coming back. I loved there style. I always used to picture myself in the trends. I think is kool.
i think that ol' skool rap is a little better, because most rap songs today just talk about gettin' money. i get kind of bored.
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