At school I've observed that there is a change in buying snacks and other items at school. It used to have the vending machines open all day and the school store open all day. But now all of a sudden, the machines and the school store are only open before and after school. To me that is just a dumb idea. I mean many of the students go to lunch to buy things out of the vending machine and the school store because they don't like the cafeteria food. I mean I don't blame them for that, because the food don't always be on point. And that to me just defeat the purpose of having those things in the first place. So I think this school needs to make a choice in whether to keep these things open all day or just have none of it at all. They may as well not have these things at all because I wouldn't be interested buying things in the morning, you barely have time. And it might work in the afternoon but some people go home after school and it may not be open that long after school. So to me I think they need to get it together.
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