Sunday, December 7, 2008
He Will Come in Time...
I'm a girl who's focused, and my junior year has been pretty fun so far. I've tried diffrenet clubs this year, I was on homecoming court, i joined the swim team, I make good grades, what more could a girl ask for? I feel like my life is pretty good so far. Sometimes I think about maybe having a boyfriend along the way, but I tell myself that it's not top priority, and that the guy of my dreams will come in time. I mean I can date, but sometimes it's hard for me to find a decent guy to go on a date with. It's not like I haven't been approached by guys throughout my high school career, but I think some of them talk to me for the wrong reasons. Some talked to me because they liked the way I looked, and to me I think it's shallow because it would be nothing else for them to talk about, and I feel I should talk to someone with more substance. And there was one boy who was obsessed with me (and I think he still is) and I felt like I was being stalked because he just wouldn't leave me alone! Then there were some who were desperate, and I don't think some guy should beg me to death to date him, because I found that annoying. And one guy, who I thought was just my friend, wanted to pass the friendship zone...and get in my pants. I couldn't allow myself to do that, I thought he was better than that and I never thought of him as being that way, but oh well, I look at him different now. But the point is why can't some guys just be decent about asking me out? It's not that hard but please fellas do it the right way. I'm a nice girl, so please be a nice guy and come correct.
Taking on a New Name
Well today I been thinking about New Year's, and as 2009 is closely approaching, I started to think about my New Year's Resolution(s).Well everyone has one,but I seem to have more than one. I mean my main goal is to better myself, but I want to take on new challenges, new things. To start off, I am considering changing my computer name from Frizzy Girl to Mahogany Bliss ♥. I know they don't sound similar at all, but I figured since it'll be a new year why not take on a new name for myself? I like the color mahogany; it's rich, it's brown it's beautiful, and it just gives me bliss when I see the color, part of why I added bliss onto it.
Also I picked this name, inspired by the movie Mahogany, where Diana Ross took on that name in the movie, playing a beautiful,black high-fashion model.I liked what that movie represented, and I figure I could take on that name in the computer world; I represent young, beautiful black women.Frizzy Girl described my looks obviously, and my personality. I carried on that name on the computer since ninth grade. So yep, I thought it was time for a new name, new change. What do you all think? Should I keep Mahogany Bliss ♥ and retire Frizzy Girl or should frizzy Girl continue its legacy?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Peer Pressure

Peer pressure. Don't you hate it? It's like your peers want you to do something you know is wrong, but they do all they can to make you give in. I mean whether it's trying a drug or stealing, whatever, they feel you should do it.It's like one of the worst feelings you could have because you know it's wrong, but you don't want to disappoint your peers. I don't think it's worth the trouble if it's going to make you feel bad, change your self esteem, of mess with your conscience. What if one of your closest friends peer pressured you to do something, would you do it? Do you think it's worth it to still hang around them? All I can say is that I can't give into peer pressure because if I gave in it would disappoint myself more than the person pressuring me.
Growing Up
Sometimes I can't even believe the place I'm in right now. I'm a junior, sixteen going on seventeen, and time is going by so fast. I remember being a younger kid like it was yesterday, and most stuff you see looking back at it don't feel too long ago. Wow! Next thing you know I'll be somewhere in college, trying to do something with my life. I don't know, sumtimes I wish it was more time. I feel like it's not enough. Do you think time should slow down a bit?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
We all know the meaning of PDA- Public Display of Affection. But when is it too much affection? The usual symptons be like holding hands and giving kisses. I mean what happened to that?Now some people take it to a whole new level you may as well call it PDS- Public Display of Sex. I mean some people do some nasty things out in public, like touching each other in private places and giving hickies and such.I thought sex was suppose to be a private matter.Some people just don't care anymore. I mean there are teenagers, even adults, who said they've had sex in some public place. I mean why would you want to do that?It's a PUBLIC PLACE!!! People use these facilities and it's already dirty enough.I don't think they should make it more disgusting by doing that.And do they ever think that kids are watching? I think people just need to stick to keeping it PG when it comes to being out in the public and showing affection towards their lover. What do you think?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fall and Winter

Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. I love it because you can wear so many different things, and it's the time where it gets cold outside (so all of you who like to walk half naked have no choice but to put on clothes). It's windy, daylight saving time comes, and it makes you feel really good. I mean you have Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year's, all the Happy Holidays. I don't want to knock the holidays in the spring and summer, but it gets hot outside. I can't stand being hot. But yeah fall and winter makes me feel good. Which season makes you feel good?
Can Guys and Girls Just Be Friends?
Recently this subject has crossed my mind: Can guys and girls be friends? I have started to wonder about this. I've come to learn that maybe people think that if guys and girls are friends, they are either friends with benefits or they are leading on the way to being more than just friends. In my personal life I have some guy friends. I don't have any intentions on getting with these guys, and I hope that their intentions are not to get with me beyond a friendship. I mean, I don't look at gender, I just think we have similar interests and good chemistry. I hate it when I talk to a guy or one of my guy friends and people assume right off the back that we are doing something. It just bothers me, I mean why can't we be friends? Just because we're not concerned about them doesn't mean we're defending each other like boyfriend and girlfriend. That's just like if you were defending your ther friends, or a best friend for instance. I mean a friend is going to be loyal to you and have your back, no matter what. But I don't know.Is it because guys and girls are opposite sex that they just can't be friends? I don't know what to think, what's your opinion?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Do The Smurf,Do the Wop,Baseball Bat. Rooftop ,Like I'm Bringing '88 Back

It's now 2008, and I think it feels like 1988 is coming back.The 80's is coming back strongly,and I think we have a lot of influence from the 80's.Some kids be acting like this stuff is new. My parents graduated in the 80's,and they be like "They bringing back the same stuff they had when we was in high school".It be funny to think that my own parents wore this stuff.And my sister,she was born in the eighties, and she love that era.She dresses like she's in the eighties everyday,and my mom jokes with her saying comments like "You look like Prince with that outfit on".Lol it be funny,but I love my sister's style.She is very, I mean VERY eccentric with style lol but she loves the eighties very much.

I mean the slang, style,the horrible big hair,everything is coming back. For example, "fresh" of "dope".Will Smith and Run DMC was using that back in the 80's.
And now you see many young people use this slang. The Cool Kids for example use 80's style in their fashion. They look like some people you see in the 80's.Fashion icons, like Kanye West, is bringing back 80's trends.I mean look at him, he got the same glasses that Sho Nuff had in The Last Dragon!

Tell me y'all,what you think about the 80's coming back in style?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Smoking Can Smell

Thursday, September 11, 2008
How Hard do You Work to Get to the Fabulous Life?

Is it really hard nowadays to get the fabulous life? I really don't know what to think. I think now people don't really work as hard to get success. Don't get me wrong, there are some people who work their butt off to reach success, but it seems like now some people don't want to do that. I think some people want the easy way out to get things, the instant gratification. What about goals, determination, dreams, DRIVE? For example, some of these music artists and celebrities. Some of them just become famous just for the sake of it, maybe because they have money. I mean some of the celebrities really don't have an occupation they are really working hard in, they're just famous just because. Sometimes that bothers me because all they are doing is just blowing their parents' money and is the main story on E! News for stupid shenanigans. I mean really what are they doing with themselves? I don't know, maybe if you got it like that, maybe you can do that. But all I am saying is I miss it when they talk about how people got from the bottom to the top, and they got to the top through hard work. There's always going to be obstacles that get in the way, and they learned to overcome those obstacles. Nothing in life comes easy; I just wish that some people can see that.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Trannies in 2008

Discrimination has been around for a long time. From women to black people to gay people, they all had to work hard to prove that they are worthy in society. But what about the transvestites and transgenders? Will they overcome discrimination? Recently on America's Next Top Model cycle 11, they qualified a transgender name Isis. I think some of her competitors
may be hating on her. She did very well on her photoshoots so far, and she wasn't even born a girl!! Wow, it makes some of the other girls look crappy. And there's Laverne, the tranny who recently got eliminated on I Want to Work For Diddy. Do you think her competitors were hating on her? To me she worked pretty hard, and maybe they tried to get her out of the game because she was a threat. Maybe Isis and Laverne are too much competition for some people, or maybe because of the fact that they are transgenders
, it would throw people off. It probably throw people off because these trannies are proving that they can fulfill the roles of women just as good as an average woman. It might be coincidental that two transgenders tried out for a competiton, but maybe this is the year where trannies get to shine. Maybe they want to break stereotypes of transgender people and show the transgender community that it is okay for them to do other things besides doing typical tranny stuff (like dressing in drag). But what do you think? Do you think trannies have a chance in this world?

Monday, September 8, 2008
The 2008 VMAs

Just yesterday they showed one of the biggest awards for MTV, the Video Music Awards aka
the VMAs. It was hosted by Russell Brand, who indeed talked way too much the whole night. Half of the people didn't even know what he was saying lol but besides him talking the VMAs was okay, but it did have memorable highlights. For instance, Britney Spears finally won a VMA for the first time. YAY!!! She deserve it.Many people were anticipating for her,Lil Wayne and The Jonas Brothers to perform. I mean people go crazy over Lil Wayne but have you seen how popular The Jonas Brothers are? It's crazy! All the teenage girls like them, black or white. They're like a modern Beatles... and Rihanna.Wow she was banging on the performance she did with T.I. but her Disturbia performance was okay. I mean if she didn't have those dancers, it could've been a bad performance. I really liked Kanye West's performance; I was intrigued and I didn't expect for him to sing, that was really good. Some of the other performances to me were garbage. Christina Aguilera needed to stop, I would have rather seen Britney perform "Gimme More" than to see that performance Christina did last night. And Lil Wayne? I thought it was okay too. I thought he would've did more last night. And what was with Pink and that tight black outfit similar to Rihanna's? She was looking like Ms. Piggy with her boobs about to come out her outfit. But overall I thought the VMAs had good ideas this year, having it at Paramount Studios, and how they had Travis McCoy and DJ-AM dj in between breaks. I didn't like how they kept giving away surprises during the commercials though. But I thought it was okay this year. Can't wait for VMA 2009!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Vending Machines

At school I've observed that there is a change in buying snacks and other items at school. It used to have the vending machines open all day and the school store open all day. But now all of a sudden, the machines and the school store are only open before and after school. To me that is just a dumb idea. I mean many of the students go to lunch to buy things out of the vending machine and the school store because they don't like the cafeteria food. I mean I don't blame them for that, because the food don't always be on point. And that to me just defeat the purpose of having those things in the first place. So I think this school needs to make a choice in whether to keep these things open all day or just have none of it at all. They may as well not have these things at all because I wouldn't be interested buying things in the morning, you barely have time. And it might work in the afternoon but some people go home after school and it may not be open that long after school. So to me I think they need to get it together.
Should New Orleans Reconsider Themselves?

Recently Hurricane Gustav hit New Orleans and the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama. It didn't cause as much damage as Hurricane Katrina but the people of New Orleans had evacuated more early on than they did Hurricane Katrina. I understand that the mayor does not want to make the same mistake as Katrina, but now you may as well tell the people to live somewhere else, permanently. I don't think it's fair that they have to leave once again because these are natural disasters they can't control, and the problem should've been controlled when Hurricane Katrina happened. The levees should've been repaired after that happened and now another hurricane happened. What next? Then Hurrican Ike just passed, and now Hurricane Hannah is about to approach. It's sad to see one of America's beloved cities be destroyed little by little because there is no control over how these natural disasters keep happening. I know nobody can't control hurricanes, but at least try to make an effort on preserving the city, because it's been there for years and no one, especially the residents of New Orleans, wants to see it go away.
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